Presenter- Murray Mcrae
24th September 2024 9:00am – 1:00 pm, at Eastlake Football Club, 3 Oxley St, Griffith.
A major change to the National Construction Code could lead to some builders and developers finding they no longer comply with fire safety rules, unless they begin using passive fire protection systems that are tested to the latest standards. All new buildings are required to have passive fire safety systems with a fire resistance level (FRL) that complies with the latest Australian fire test standards, known as AS1530 Part 4 – 2014. Passive fire protection systems are vitally important because they are designed to limit the spread of a fire to one compartment, “or fire zone”, of a building. In the event of a fire, this allows people in other fire compartments to exit safely and firefighters to enter.
The main topics during the first part of the training day will be:
What is Passive Fire?
AS1851-2012 and ACT Legislation
The NCC, fire compartmentation and FRL’s
Passive Products versus Passive Systems and Test Reports
Service Penetrations – selecting, installing and certifying the correct Passive System
Fire Dampers – installation, commissioning and maintenance inspections
Builders and Subcontractors
Working with builders, and preapprovals of fire damper installations and service penetrations treatment methods. Murray McRae is the Director of Scorch Fire Solutions Pty Ltd, a role he has had since April 2013, based in Canberra. Scorch Fire Solutions is a Canberra based fire protection consultancy that provides fire protection solutions and project management services for new and existing buildings in the ACT and southern NSW. Prior to his current role, Murray was the ACT Manager at Bowsers from May 2005 to April 2013. Murray holds a Graduate Certificate in Fire Safety Engineering from Western Sydney University, a master’s degree in engineering/industrial management from the University of Technology, and a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of NSW.This training costs $200 per participant for ACACC members (to be deducted from the training component of the annual membership fee) and $500 for non-members.
If you are interested in registering for this event, please contact James at